You Owe It To Yourself

Each morning I rise then begin my meditation practice.

In preparation for the day, it’s important to begin with the right mindset. Dr. Joe Dispenza’s calming voice brought me back to center and served as a reminder to continue working on myself.

The voice said, “Remember… it lives within you.”

I had been meditating for the past 20 minutes. By that time, I completely tapped into a different world.

My YouTube playlist titled, “Becoming Supernatural” features videos ranging 15 minutes to 8 hours of meditations and affirmations. The intention is to reprogram my mind and lay the foundation for a better future day by day. My habits still need work, but I am committed to restoring the power and confidence that brought me a ton of joy.

I found out the hard way that life truly does come at you fast. In the midst of despair, I lost sight of my purpose. The trickle down effect this had cannot be summed up here, so I will not attempt to do so. There is too much work to be done.

The frequency in which I find myself in challenging and uncomfortable places these days is kind of wild. I made a promise to show up and life responded by putting me in a position to change everything. I am not writing this to say I have it all figured out. I don’t. I pledged to work on it every day though.

The voice said, “Remember… it lives within you.”

It is a reminder I needed.

The power that lives within brought me here and the same power is why this message has reached you.

There’s no time to waste.

Go within.

There are tools inside you that will help you change the world. Get over the self-doubt. Get past the impostor syndrome.

The rest of the world is anticipating your greatness.

Believe. It’s your time.

As always, remember . . .

No matter what happens in your life, no matter how tough it gets…

It’s gonna hurt, but it won’t kill you.


Feel free to share your stories here: It’s Gonna Hurt


It’s Gonna Hurt, But It Won’t Kill You


Don’t Let The Pain Win


The Secret Is Out