The Secret Is Out

I remember sitting in my apartment in Murfreesboro, TN writing my first book, Change Your L.I.F.E., when the thought first came to mind. A goal without a plan is just a wish. A plan not executed is a dream waiting to happen. I had grand ideas about what I wanted out of life and I could vividly see the path to achieving those goals. I had just been exposed to The Secret and used the power of my mind to begin creating the life I wanted, which I wrote about in the book. It was during that time, I was introduced to Michael Bernard Beckwith. He spoke about the law of attraction and our ability to manifest what our hearts desire. I won Bingo on a cruise ship. I won the 50/50 raffle at an Atlanta Braves Game. Upon seeing the power in my own life, I advocated heavily for others to adopt the same principles. Whether they believed or not, I used what I knew to begin an important journey.

My eyes were opened to many of the concepts I have had to lean on during a period like no other I have faced. I started writing poems to describe the way I felt when I was 16 years old. I learned a lot about myself then. I could write about subjects I might have been afraid to express. I wrote about love, pain, joy and escape among other topics. Eventually, all of that became the books, stories and videos many of you reading this are familiar with. I probably didn’t understand the power of writing then, but I knew there was something that connected me to my truth there. My English teachers adored me.

In high school, my friends used my English homework because they all knew I would be the one to do well on the assignment. Some might say I received special treatment, but the truth is, I simply had a passion for writing and it came across in my work. When I wrote Change Your L.I.F.E., I envisioned a world that would allow me to write and share with others the power of the mind. That was the dream. I had a vision and I pledged to do everything possible to make that dream a reality.

I do not know when it happened specifically, but I lost sight of the truth. My power was nullified by my own doing. I’ve recently been on a journey that drew me back to where a lot of this work started. Appropriately enough, it led me back to Michael Bernard Beckwith. I sat in his service and he reminded me of something I knew a long time ago, but he worded it a bit differently than I did in 2013/2014. I knew I was in the right place when he uttered the words, “A vision without action is a fantasy. Action without a vision is chaos. If the mind can’t see the possibilities, you’ll miss the opportunities” I felt like he spoke directly to me. He confirmed the path I am on is exactly where I am supposed to be.

This work is tough. To believe every day, to love every day, to learn every day is not for the feeble minded. It requires a strong mind and a huge heart. I might not be exactly where I want to be, but I am not close to where I was. If it is easy, it wouldn’t be worth it. If it’s worth it, it’s not likely to be easy. I am a work in progress to say the least, but I am grateful. I know the work that needs to be done.

When I set out to do this, I wasn’t exactly sure why I was being led to, but I decided to trust it anyway. Now, I truly understand.

It’s Gonna Hurt, But It Won’t Kill You is much bigger than me.

Yes, it’s a lot to open up and share, but I honestly wish I would have done it sooner.

In the end, I have a duty to myself and others. This is an important part of that process.

All of the effort and emotions that went into making the book/podcast a reality are not just from the work I’ve done. I’ve had some amazing support from so many people. This journey isn’t over. The Marathon Continues.

As always, remember . . . It’s gonna hurt, but it won’t kill you.


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It’s Gonna Hurt, But It Won’t Kill You


You Owe It To Yourself


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