Own The Room

I remember the first time he said it.

He has raved about me since we were kids, but he reminds me of his belief in me each time we speak now.

My older brother called me a few times this particular day, but I wasn’t able to answer. When I finally made it to a place where it was convenient, I was in between meetings, so I didn’t have much time to talk. He asks the same question each time he calls… “Are you busy?” Each time I laugh and respond in a similar way, “You know I’m always doing something.” On this occasion, I was headed into a meeting that I was kind of nervous about, but he speaks so highly of me that the jitters went away fairly quickly. He knew I was entering the building, so he just said it. “Own the room.” I didn’t catch it the first time, so I asked him to repeat it. He clearly stated it this time, “Own the room.” Three to four times a week now, that is the reminder I receive.

I’ve had a lot of people believe in me for many different reasons. In my mind, I’ve disappointed a lot of them too. While I’ve had to learn to live with that, I have gotten more comfortable with the idea that I do not have to be perfect.

My life appears to be headed in a direction I didn’t specifically plan for two years ago, but I think it’s obvious that I am headed the right way. Not only do I frequently hear "Own the room,” these days, there are so many people who want me to win. With that in mind, I know I have to keep going. The work I have done on myself and the motivation I have to continue helping others means a lot to me. It’s apparent that my approach needed to change, but I know how important this work is. It could save lives. In fact, it saved mine.

As always, remember . . . It’s gonna hurt, but it won’t kill you.


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It’s Gonna Hurt, But It Won’t Kill You


The Secret Is Out


I Know Why I’m Here