Don’t Wait To Plant The Seeds

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time to plant one is right now.”

I have been sitting with this quote for the past week now, because it speaks to the growth process and the importance of this moment. We can spend a lot of time worrying about what we failed to do yesterday, but often need to remind ourselves of how much power exists in being present.

Taking a step back and looking at my journey, there were many instances when I wished I was exactly where I am right now. It’s safe to say that there are a few areas I wish were different, but things usually don’t play out as perfectly as we imagine them. I am frequently reminded of where it all started for me. Although not all of those reminders are welcomed, I appreciate the journey that brought me to this moment.

While driving the other day, I received a call from my nephew. I knew exactly what he wanted, but he is at the age that his awareness increases by the day. He began the conversation with a little bit of small talk. “Are you busy right now?”, he asked. I responded by telling him I was in the car after leaving a meeting. I remember how much I hesitated to ask my uncles for anything growing up and I want him to have the confidence to ask for anything he desires, even if the answer might be no. He didn’t know exactly what to say, so I proceeded to say it for him. “How much do you need?” He responded, “I just wanted a few dollars, so I can order some food.” I cannot explain what kids do with their money or how they manage to do it these days, but I usually ask several questions before giving him a yes or no. My nephew is a pretty smart kid with a great work ethic. It’s pretty easy to say yes. He might not know it just yet, but I’m positive he’ll be grateful for each of our conversations when he gets older. It’s my way of planting the tree.

If I knew at my nephew’s age what I know now, the seeds that I would have planted a long time ago would have me a lot further ahead. I have been lucky enough to have a great work ethic the majority of my life, but I can think of a lot of things to do differently now. I am still grateful for being in the position that I am in. Gratitude has given me the foundation to continue building, although I might not always know exactly what everything looks like in the end. I know the power of taking the next step. It’s how the viral videos came about. It’s how the books came into fruition. It’s how I built each of my podcasts. These are the trees I planted a long time ago. While some of them might not look the way I hoped for, others have grown more beautifully than I anticipated. Just like many other periods in my life, this is a season of growth and I intend to continue broadcasting my seeds.

Consistency is key.

We’ve heard it our entire lives, but it’s easy to fall victim to outside pressure and ignore the work that needs to be done.

Repeating the same process over and over to get the results you desire shows up in every area of our lives.

Here are some examples:

We plant seeds then water them to grow trees or fruits and vegetables for nutrition.

We exercise in an effort to remain healthy, gain muscle or lose weight.

People who might have a weight loss goal will meal prep to assist in their journey to shed the pounds.

We train and study to become subject matter experts in our field.

So on and so forth…

Discipline can get boring and that’s exactly why it is difficult to perform at a high level. It’s not all fun and games.

Ever heard the saying, hard work beats talent any day when talent fails to work hard? Fact of the matter is, it also needs to be consistent and intentional work.

When I find myself lacking the motivation, I simply lean on the habits I have built, the systems of accountability around me or create deadlines to complete the work. I finished my books because I told people they’d be done on a specific date. When I’m not in the best mood to exercise, I set up times to work out with friends who will hold me accountable. I tend to ask to be thrown to the wolves, so it forces me to prepare and show up as my best.

How invested are you in yourself? When considering what your goals are, you’ll either push to achieve them or settle with what you have always done. Somehow I always find the message I need during the moment I need it. Whenever you’re on the precipice of a major shift in your life, be prepared for curve balls and speed bumps that attempt to make your past far more important than it is. To paraphrase the statement, each level you climb requires a different version of you.

What trees are you planting right now? That’s a question only you can answer. It’s a question you must answer if you hope to build a future you can be proud of.

Keep growing. Keep building. Keep showing up. You deserve it.


I Don’t Want To Be Here Anymore


You Don’t Have All The Answers